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Old 09-08-2016, 05:50 PM   #194
El_Poopador's Arena
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Join Date: Oct 2013
Re: NBA 2K17 Dynamic Commentary Trailer

Originally Posted by KGDunks
Really? I've definitely noticed when things happen to fast for the commentators and they talk about something that happened during the timeout like 15 seconds later. It mainly tends to be an issue in the fourth quarter I've noticed.

They also don't really ever get overly excited if a player is going nuts.
I post this video a LOT when talking about commentary and crowd involvement, but I can't help it. The day I see the crowd and commentators react to something in the game like this, that is the day when presentation is done perfectly.

Another thing to note is how much focus is on this specific game versus back story.

Last edited by El_Poopador; 09-08-2016 at 05:53 PM.
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