09-09-2016, 10:25 PM
All Star
OVR: 6
Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 5,193
Re: NBA 2K17 MyLEAGUE, MyLEAGUE Online & MyGM Blog With Erick Boenisch
Wow, 2K gamers have to remind themselves that this attention to non-monetised modes is going against the trend of the gaming industry. Look at FIFA. They only care about UT. Fantastic, ML/MyGM get better every year.
1. Being able to change user controlled teams in MyLeague is great. I cant remember why, but I recall needing to do this a few times last year.
2. Secondly, it;s great that new jersies can be brought in. Does this mean an ACE updates will be included in existing ML/MyGM saves? I think they were from memory last year. That might be a Czar/OG question.