Resetting online ranked record
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09-10-2016, 02:21 PM
OVR: 0
Join Date: Apr 2016
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Posts: 7,841
Re: Resetting online ranked record
Originally Posted by
1. It would definitely be exploited. Nobody would have a genuine record first of all. 2nd, If we had a real leaderboard that didn't reward amount played, it would really be a mess. Also, being a quick match player as yourself, you see how many people just quit. Imagine giving the entire ranked community a reset button.
If you want to reset, then pull a "Relaxed". Create a new account then pay to have the name changed.
2: I have no problem finding quick match fights on either system. In Div 6 on PS.
3. Are you on? Hit me up: EddieStone96
Not on now, but I do have issues finding matches.
I normally play late at night. My lower division profiles I have no issues finding matches.
Thanks for the input, wish ea would just make quick match open.
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