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Old 09-13-2016, 06:22 PM   #77
My Momma's Son
bigeastbumrush's Arena
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Re: FIFA 17 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here

Played 2 matches on World Class.

-The AI plays smart on offense. AI teammates know when to make appropriate runs which makes a lot of give and go moments.
-Passing is improved. Crossing is way better than ever. The lofted through balls are especially effective.
-I really like set pieces although the referee setup takes forever.
-Corners have more control now that you know exactly where you are aiming.
-Really good physicality. I like a physical game. You really notice it when shielding the ball.
-Being able to walk the sideline on throw-ins.

-The demo is way too short.
-The default camera on set pieces is the Broadcast cam. You have to switch cams to get behind the kicker.
-Had a few fouls called but not yellow cards.
-Didn't notice Frostbite at all.

Overall I really enjoyed the demo. Can't wait to play the retail version with a longer clock. It does play a lot like FIFA 16 but there are so many subtle additions that I think people will overlook. I like the little things in games that create immersion. FIFA 17 definitely has those nailed.

This will be my go-to sports game. I can see Madden and NBA 2K collecting a lot of dust. This game is really good.
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