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Old 09-13-2016, 08:00 PM   #342
LorenzoDC's Arena
OVR: 3
Join Date: Sep 2010
Re: NBA 2K17 MyLEAGUE, MyLEAGUE Online & MyGM Blog With Erick Boenisch

Originally Posted by Leftos
No, if you start in the offseason we don't replicate the moves that happened step by step. History is rewritten in a different way every time using the game's AI and fully influenced by your decisions.

Regarding the missing shot charts issue, it's the first I've heard of it. I tried simulating and playing games just now and also had QA try to reproduce this in the latest 2K17 build and it doesn't appear to happen. If you encounter it again, please send me detailed reproduction steps and I'll look into fixing.

As for multi-year teams stats, they are being tracked this year but not being displayed on the interface (another case of the annual cycle just making you run out of time on things). No promises regarding whether we'll bring them to the interface in a patch, but know that we're working towards tracking as many years of stats for teams as we do players.
Thanks again. It was present in my every multi-year MyLeague save in 2k16 (like, 12 saves), so it would probably be easy to replicate in last year's game. But let's keep eyes forward.

If I see it this year I will post Youtube for you and the team to see and try to dril down on what conditions appear to cause it.
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