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Old 09-14-2016, 09:18 PM   #178
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Join Date: Sep 2016
Re: FIFA 17 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here

Computer AI is terrible -

Played on Legendary as Gamba Osaka vs Real

Won 2-0

They had 95% passing accuracy and 1 shot on goal?

Seriously Ronaldo and Bale up front and the AI didnt have the skill or bottle to play any of them in!!

Played further games and what followed was very similar results after another 8 games...

Obviously there is no sliders in the demo but even if there was it kind of feels like forcing or cheating to make all computer AI play better or worse. Essentially making every team play exactly the same when you settle on one slider setting which can be very boring during career mode.

Surely the built in tactics should be the sliders for each team? Making each team individual and unique..
After all isn't that what football is all about each side has its own strengths and weaknesses and its all about tactics and figuring a way to stop there strengths and attack there weakness.

Career mode without any added features but a varied computer AI would make a whole lot of difference to the mode itself.

But instead they have added a new set piece rewrite to a system i personally thought wasn't broken in the first place.

Obviously FIFA is made for packs and online ultimate team but maybe once the journey fails with online users giving it a go(bad opponent AI) they might start to listen for the "journey 2"?

FIFA 18 - Improved AI
FIFA 17 - Online users
PES 17 - Offline users


Further example to back it up search - Fifa 17 DEMO AI demonstration into youtube
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