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Old 09-16-2016, 01:10 PM   #40
Formerly known as Barnsey
Barncore's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K17 Impressions Thread

Originally Posted by BChizzle
Been playing for 3 hours now, just my personal opinion but the upgrades and additions aren't enough to warrant this game a $60 price tag. It still feels way too much like 2k16.
That's what it feels like to me too, but i must say that the more i play 2k17 and adjust to the new tunings, it feels VERY good. Everything just feels so well balanced. It's hard to explain. But the game plays like a basketball game should. And strategically you have to think the same way you would if it were a real game.
An adjustment period is required though to get a feel for the new balances.
I just hope the "out of the box" balances don't get patched out again.

We really need some new default running/dribbling animations though. They've been around since 2k10ish. It makes me get sick of playing the game too easily, because it's the same animations all the time.
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