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Old 09-20-2016, 12:35 PM   #7
howboutdat's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 17: The Five Biggest Changes Needed for CFM

I liked the title of #2 there, however i feel it left alot out .

Look, in the real NFL they have Cordinators who are watching everything going on in the game ( as well as they have already studied up on that opponent and what they like to run and even when) . Then EA already has "coach glass" which is keeping up , in real time plays being called, % of times things are called based on personel on the field, down , etc. The problem with coach glass is, we have a to look off screen , see what it says, look back on screen , call a play, look back off screen to read some more info.This data should find some way to put it up on the play calling screen. Where we arent looking away from the game.

Also id add the "suggestion" stuff that is under each play in the playcalling screen. Currently when it says " the Browns run this so much and gain an average of this amount" is based on data from all online games played. In a online CFM, that data should only be talking about that actual teams data, based on exactly what they run in that particular CFM ONLY. The data is basically useless as it is , when playing in CFM because it has 0 to do with who you are playing. Now its obvious they keep up with that data,a tiny portion is already in game planning this year now.They really need to take that to the next level.So me the data, on that owner, based on what he normally does on average plus what he has been doing in that game im in , in that CFM. That is what cordinators do in real life, to help suggest playcalls, that is what is needed to happen here. The data is already being collected, it just needs to be put together, on screen .

That is one of my biggest things i want to see happen , outside of finally dropping this App they staying so silent on right now. As well as a fully customizable draft board. Not just so i have it in front of me when i draft. But so in case i can not , or someone else can not, make the draft time ( talking about online leagues here ), it will force the CPU to use this draft board to pick.

However, a true customizable draft board im talking about is not exactly like others seem to ask for.Here is what id like to see :

I have 1-1st round pick and 2- 2nds. But the draft class doesnt have alot of talent at CB which i really need and would like to take with my first. However , lets say there are only 4 CBs im willing to spend a 1st on and i have pick 19. I would like to see a way to set it , so i can place the CBs in order 1-4, and if they are not there, then i want to take an LB.So at 5-9 i put a list of LBs in order i want it to search. When my pick comes up, it searches for the first one on the list ,if they have been picked, it goes to 2nd guy and so on.

Now this could be done if the customizable draft board let you set it by each pick you have .If you have 2 1sts, it lets you set both picks order in which you want it to start at and go down.It would also need some parameters it should let you set as well. Like if you only want 1 CB, 1LB, once if say all 4 of your Cbs are there with your first two picks, but you dont want it to just pick CBs, you set it , go 1 CB, 1LB, once it picks one, it skips to the next position listed for next pick. That way its not picking CB,CB,CB,LB or something like that if they happen to still be there.

This is possible, but i realize probably never probable, but it is what a real customizable draft board should function like.

Outside of that, the injury thing listed #1 def needs to happen. Players should be asking for more money based on production as well as attributes,not just overall rating.You know , kind of like real life....
Yup, i said it !

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Last edited by howboutdat; 09-20-2016 at 12:41 PM.
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