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Old 09-27-2016, 09:11 AM   #330
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roadman's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 17 Tuning Update Available Now, Here Are The Details (9-23)

Originally Posted by SECElit3
One should have to go no farther than listening to Rex's most recent podcast to understand where Madden is headed. The conversation regarding eSports is scary and should be concerning to the simulation gamer. Specifically, the part where he gave the example of the tournament that took place where the player lost the game because of dice roll that caused a drop by a wide open receiver.

If you haven't listened to that podcast, I suggest you should.

Newsflash Rex... A big part of what makes a game fun, is the unknowing of what will happen from play to play. This tuner, at least from a tackling perspective, eliminates that unknowing, as the the dynamics of the tackling system have been removed, almost guaranteeing a tackle by a player regardless of the ratings. I get that the suits are trying to take the direction of this game more towards success based on the skill of the player, but isn't that where we were 10 years ago? Isn't that what caused EA to lose a large part of their fanbase for a few years? Is that where we are headed now?

Fumbles are dice rolls. (Even more so because of the strip ball change) Do we eliminate them because some tourney player loses a game due to losing the ball at the one yard line during a game with one million dollars on the line? See, now we are talking about getting back to system where ratings become a non-factor.

One million dollar tournament upcoming, and some of the responses by Rex during that podcast... I think it is pretty fair to ask. Is eSports the death of Madden for simulation gamers and the hardcore?
Does this surprise you any, though?

About three years ago, I asked a question thorough an interview that Clint and Rex were answering questions. The question was, will we ever see fumbled snaps in the game. Clint's response was he couldn't see a tournament player losing the game with a fumbled snap.

If there is a million dollars on the line, and Jordy Nelson drops a wide open bomb on me on a last second play or my center botches a snap on a last second play for the win, you darn right I'm cursing at the game and more that terribly upset the outcome was not in my hands, but in EA's hands.

We've know all along how the suits need to sell the game. OS is a vocal minority compared to the rest of the 5 million buyers.

People feel the only answer is to implement sim, casual and tourney controls in the game. 2K took those controls out of the game.
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