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Old 09-28-2016, 12:21 PM   #10
E The Rhymer
OVR: 0
Join Date: Aug 2015
Re: For those still saying sharpshooters are not op....

Originally Posted by Jhawkfootball06
That's pretty poor defense in my opinion. How are you guys going to let one man beat you? If a player starts to get hot, you start doubling them, switching on the screens, etc. Even triple teaming him if doubling doesn't work, but you cannot let one man beat you.. The fact that he had 90 points and 0 assists says you guys did not do a very good job getting the ball out of his hands.

In case you didn't into effect that guy with 90 is him or at least whoever took the picture either way it's not simply playing D when they hit more than 60% of shots regardless of contest and those screens they use are cheesy as hell they don't move at all the screener does and if you accidentally touch the screen you are forced into a animation and that's when they shoot

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