It's over for the sim gamer. The age of the online whiner is here. They finally put in missed fgs and some clowns online miss a few and they kill it for the rest of us.
There will be no more random events. Everything will be up to the player. Forcing fumbles, intercepting, penalties, etc. But given that that is the ultimate focus, it shocks me that they would take any skill out of the kicking game.
It really is like they are trying to needle the sim gamer.
The same thing killed the fight night series. What was once a pretty decent boxing game turned into 2 people standing flat footed in the middle of the ring hunched over jabbing eachother in the belly because they nerfed everything else online because clowns were getting knocked out because they didn't know how to play and cried about it. Once the whiners got their way, they played for a couple months realized that it was monotonous, and went on to their next game leaving the boxing franchise in smoldering ashes. And unfortunately all the changes killed the sim aspects and AI in the offline game so I'm left with a coaster instead of a boxing game.