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Old 10-05-2016, 12:54 PM   #362
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roadman's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 17 Title Update #2 Available Now For Xbox One & PS4 - Details Included

Originally Posted by fistofrage
I really wonder how much attention the sliders get. I assume they test the game at all-pro default. The sliders seem to be years and years of code stacked on top of each other.

In Madden 2016 the kicker would shank everything with FGA under 30. Same thing in 2017 despite the fact the kick meter had drastically changed. So it looks like you have an unchanged slider yet an entirely different mechanic.

So as they add features to blocking, catching, throwing, etc, if the sliders aren't reformulated, who knows how they will perform.

The roughing the QB slider looks like a binary code. At 50, no penalties at 51 way too many.

The fumble slider in the description says it controls the amount of fumbles when it appears to be the entire running back ability slider. It doesn't make the running backs and wrs fumble any more frequently from what I can tell. In all my games since the last tuner and patch its near non-existant. But putting it to 0 doesn't cause an abnormal amount of fumbles, but makes the run game extremely hard unless you lower tackling.
Fist, FYI, I think you need to increase the fumbles slider, if you want more fumbles, not lower it. ie 51 and above, but I'm still not sure it works either way.
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