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Old 10-06-2016, 12:23 PM   #478
BadAssHskr's Arena
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Join Date: Jun 2003
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Re: Madden NFL 17 Title Update #2 Available Now For Xbox One & PS4 - Details Included

I'm generally pretty easy to please, but i really liked the way the game played last night.

I restarted my solo online cfm over on Tuesday after installing, played my Chiefs vs. San Diego last night. I really thought the game felt to have more of an NFL feel to it.

I loved the way the D was playing on both sides of the ball. Thought the game looked, felt and played great all the way around.

Hopefully some of you aren't to busy bickering over something to realize the potential of the game.

Did they do something with in game presentation as far as stats are concerned? Seems like the ticker was behaving a bit differently that i remember, however maybe i don't usually pay that much attention.

In game online cfm saves work!

New tackle animations? maybe due to playing more aggressive?

I think my last game played was Monday night, I would have said at that time that the game was playing stiff, and the kick meter was slow, my game last night erased any issue i had with that.

Lost my game 13-6. with 1:22 left in the game, i forced the Chargers to punt, drove the length of the field, with 12 secs, threw my only pic of the game in the end zone.

11 min quarters game, i sacked rivers 6 times, was sacked 4 times. rivers fumbled once. had mucho pressure on him on multiple occasions where he threw the ball away. To many sacks?

½ sacks, was this a missing element? it's in there, and they're being displayed, maybe i never noticed before.

This game, especially held my attention span, more so than other games i've played, maybe just a frame of mind.

I got a Service Storm alert prompt at startup, indicating that they will do their best to keep services up and running during hurricane matthew.

I couldn't get my running game going which was nothing new, the cpu couldn't run either. Will be making a slider adjustment for the next game.

I keep longing for longer games, I'll be bumping up to 13 min quarters, and maybe 15 min quarters going forward. The game save feature is a huge enhancement!

I was beaten handily in TOP, which i love to see.

Last night anyhow, after 1 game, i thought the game was enhanced, dare i say big time. Hopefully by sunday i'll be 4 or so games deep, hopefully my experience carries on.
"Not the victory but the action. Not the goal but the game. In the deed the glory."

Last edited by BadAssHskr; 10-06-2016 at 12:53 PM.
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