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Old 10-14-2016, 11:22 AM   #75
Peninc's Arena
OVR: 7
Join Date: Sep 2005
Re: Fixes Coming For NBA 2K17 Shot Timing, Pass Speeds, Moving Screens, Defense and M

Originally Posted by DBMcGee3
To me, none of that matters if the game isn't slowed down. Guys are skating around out everywhere and there just doesn't feel like there's any weight to the players.
If you want NBA players to move like tanks, I'm in firm disagreement with it. In fact that is one of the reasons I found 2K16 to be such a poor representation of NBA basketball. Some of the most nimble athletes in the world moved like they were stuck in mud, and the still far from perfect movement system certainly didn't help. 2K17 is a great improvement. Basketball is one of the fastest sports in the world, especially in the modern state of the game. Slowing it down to a crawl doesn't make it more sim or more representative of the NBA, but exactly the opposite.

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