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Old 10-14-2016, 10:17 PM   #128
SOLDIER, First Class...
JazzMan's Arena
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Re: Fixes Coming For NBA 2K17 Shot Timing, Pass Speeds, Moving Screens, Defense and M

Originally Posted by jfsolo
It's never going to happen of course, but looking at Mike's twitter, it's more clear than ever that there really should be at least 2 different 2K basketball games.

In so many people's mind, 90+ 3pt shooting ratings, plus badges, means that 80%+ shooting on open three pointers should be a normal thing.

They couldn't care less about actual NBA statistical norms, they want superhuman video game abilities to rule the day.

I think the NBA 2K fandom is exponentially worse than the Madden fandom in this regard. Not even taking into account the flaws that occur when implementing various gameplay systems, tuning for the 2K customer base is beyond nightmarish.
2k (or EA) could capitalize easily with an NBA Street type game. Put Park, MyTeam, and Pro-Am there, make it it's own brand. Make that the fantasy-type basketball game that quite a few people want 2k to be.

Then 2k can release their standard game, with MyLeague, MyGM, PNO, and an actual career mode.

I'd probably end up buying both games, to be honest.

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