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Old 11-02-2016, 08:23 PM   #279
hanzsomehanz's Arena
OVR: 4
Join Date: Oct 2009
Re: NBA 2K17 Patch 1.05 Coming Soon, Fixes Roster Update Issue, Pro-Am & More

Originally Posted by jax01
For the love of all that is good, nerf the dang no-skill sharshooters pulling up from anywhere and draining hand in face shots. It's a GAME KILLER. Turns it into NBA Jam. Should be easy, just a slider adjustment for the archetypes? If you want $250k tourny to actually be won by SKILL, nerf the sharpshooters and stretch bigs.
I'm convinced this is the intended battle they want to showcase for the tourney: a curry bombs shootout.

Left to right, Right to left, hide behind screen: fire away.

It's hard to justify real FG% as the simulation goal for this tournament. It's a conflict of interest to introduce HOF badges + Grand badges and play out the game on an easy shooting difficulty. It's a conflict because this environment can in no way encourage realistic shooting percentages.

I'm content with accepting this reality as long as they don't try and advertise it otherwise falsely...

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how could I lose? im playing by my own rules..
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