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Old 11-09-2016, 11:37 AM   #435
tc020791's Arena
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Join Date: Sep 2010
NBA 2K17 Patch 1.05 Available Now, Rosters Updated - Full Details Here

Originally Posted by meccs
BS! If you call AI bumping into "AI with the ball" and shoving/sliding him out of bounds without him moving his feet a good non-steal turnover... well ok. I call it broken.

ACE Update? Did you mean the in-game Update? Do they tell us what has changed with those?
All I can say is, after the in-game update today all my games have been terrible. I can't hit open shots, my team can't do layups and screens are not working since the defender just blows by. I have no idea what is going on. I actually played a few games right before the in-game update and those were very close and absolutely fair.

You're literally a moron if you think you're gonna get a perfect game , ever. So just accept it for it was, shut up and play , or shut up and return it. Either way all this complaining is so annoying. All you're gonna do is make them break the game again for people who are actually enjoying. People like YOU are never gonna enjoy it no matter what they do. So why don't you and everyone else complaining just return the game and the ones who are actual optimists, realists, and sim ballers, play this wonderful game. Peace 2k forums.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Last edited by tc020791; 11-09-2016 at 11:42 AM.
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