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Old 11-09-2016, 12:02 PM   #86
emmanuelk1's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K17 Roster Update Adds Steve Nash to 02-03 Mavericks, 04-05 Suns - More Deta

Originally Posted by scottyp180
You are really upset because 2k added a historic player, who has basically always been in the games, to two teams? A process that was probably simple and was likely just contingent on them getting the OK from Nash himself. I'd say this is far from "focusing" on the legends. If they have the ability to make a change and add a missing player why would they not do it.

You are also completely dismissing the fans that actually care about historic teams and legends. YOU might not have any interest in them but plenty of fans do. There have been threads dedicated entirely to legends players likeness filled with complaints about their faces, body models, shoes, and accessories. 2k can't just ignore these fans.

If your complaint is boiling down to "why haven't they updated player faces" I think you just need to be patient. Even if 2k is adamant about going around and scanning players there's factors involved that are out of their control. This probably isn't a priority to players considering they have a real life season to play that is more important than your my league. Even if it is something players want to do they have to find time for it in between games, practices, personal time, and whatever other obligations they may have. Again getting their face scanned into a videogame probably isn't at the top of their to do list.
i believe we both enthusiast gamer but different mode so if i feel like 2k is wasting the time updating historic team before actually focusing the current ones..bcoz its 2k17 anyway, then that where they should focus first. adding all this thing that we are requesting is the same as updating the current players appearances.

and about your historic teams..well i dont play any modes besides my offline my yeah im not really affected by that. i only use historic games in exhibition..and then what??? get the point
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