What Does Madden's AI Need to Do Better?
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11-11-2016, 09:46 AM
*ll St*r
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Re: What Does Madden's AI Need to Do Better?
Originally Posted by
Trojan Man
This is priority #1 for me. I'd like to see AI that can replicate the play styles of the various types of QBs we see in the league.
I think the AI for pocket movement and scrambling needs to be improved significantly, as does the CPU's sense of when it's best to take a sack or throw the ball away.
I also think the AI needs to be able to render QBs who get rattled easily, those who will hang in the pocket to push the ball downfield, and those who will check down as often as possible to avoid making mistakes. Some of that is trait and ratings related, but I think it's also AI related.
I think the coverage adjustments for zones were good this year, but next year I'd like them to improve the AI for man defenders to reflect different techniques for different play calls.
So yes, QB first. Do that right and then worry about other stuff.
This post should quoted again and again. I hope this is at the top of their list.
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