Thread: How do I drive?
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Old 11-20-2016, 05:14 AM   #1
Santini3's Arena
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Join Date: Dec 2011
How do I drive?

I'm posting this here since it's not getting any responses in the sticky:

Hey I'm pretty new to the NBA series and the NBA in general (just started watching regularly last year and I just started playing when 2k16 was given as a free game to PS+ members (which was amazing)) and I'm slowly learning how to get guus open for shots and whatnot. The PnR being my most used method. But strictly playing PnR gets boring fast and is only one aspect of scoring in basketball.

This leads me to my question. I really want to learn how to drive the lane and get to the basket for a layup or dunk. My problem is that when playing against the AI, it seems like two things are happening:

a. My defender is glued to me and I can't get around him. Ibe been working on this somewhat using Sam Pham's crossovers to try and catch my defender off guard but it hasn't been working that well. I also don't think every drive should be the result of a crossover and a broken ankle.

B. Other defenders other than my guy are clogging the lane and it seems like said lane is non existant. So I've been forced to pass the ball around endlessly (which I know is a good thing but every basketball player needs to know how to drive.)

Any detailed help would be greatly appreciated. I'm currently playing on All-star as I try to get better at the game.
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