Well, from my short finding so far: there is definitely some correlation between game speed and sliders making bigger impact.
As I do love NBA game pace irl, I bumped game speed to 70. Trust me, it makes HUGE difference. Enormous to how I perceive the game. I will be fair here, anyone who plays on 50 or lower game speed is not playing basketball on NBA level of pace/speed at all. It's like playing game i n the mud.
Bump the game speed up and you will see massive difference. Game becomes more open/end to end. Fast breaks suddenly work, there is hardly and grinding between offensive/defensive player. Seriously, it's game changer. Rarely tried going upwards on Game Speed as last year got used to default 50 setting, this year 50 was spot on until 1.06 patch came (then it was STILL ok, but... Last tuning update made game unresponsive, slow, muddy, just awful to play). Until next tuning update/patch comes out, I am sticking with Game Speed 70. If it's too fast lower it down between 56-60.
Good fun times are back
. I enjoy this game lots more after this, than ever before
I do however, play with 7 min Qtrs due to limited gaming time and 10 min sim qtrs. Results so far, are very life like (on All-Star - Default sliders)