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Old 12-02-2016, 07:26 AM   #61
Jordanmike6's Arena
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Re: Are Three-Pointers Overpowered in NBA 2K17?

Originally Posted by hanzsomehanz
You say the logos are the same size but I disagree.

Look at the baseline font for Chicago Bulls.

The font is larger in real life compared to 2k in respect to how everything is formatted together.

Again, the logo size is impairing your judgment.

The 2k logo looks narrower than the real life Kings logo.

The font and logo size differences do not prove that the video game court is not formatted to fit NBA regulations.

A computer program with ability to scale to fit technology would prove how accurate the video game court is to real life otherwise what you're doing is speculating and pushing an agenda with no concrete proof.

Again, I'm open to the idea that the court is smaller than NBA regulates but these photos do not convince me that this is the case.

You see on the Bulls court comparison that the baseline font is clearly not the same so same can be said for the logos. Some of the video games court logos are too small or too large and are thus not occupying the right amount of space.

As you said yourself, these are the two courts that stood out to you. You couldn't find any clear discrepancies in other photos. It could very well be the font and logo sizes that are impairing your judgment but you're already convinced the courts are not equal in size.

You say the logos are the same size but do you know what you mean by that? I can clearly see in the Kings court that the 2k Kings logo is much narrower. It's possible to have the right size t shirt and the wrong size logos. Does it hurt the authenticity? Sure it does but so long as the 3pt line is the appropriate distance and the paint is the appropriate size and the court length is appropriate: it becomes a small matter of attention to detail after that. I saw numerous things off in the Bulls court but nothing that told me straight away the court is 2-5 inches smaller or 2-5 ft smaller than real life.

In your opinion, how much smaller is the court to you based on the Bulls and Kings comparisons? Based on your observations, what do you have charted that needs to be adjusted to reflect the video game court authentically matches the NBA court?

*The Kings logo should also be starting lower in the first block of the paint beginning with the first left point side of the crown. By accurately lowering the position of this logo you're able to push it back away more from the paint as you have more space between the paint and 3pt line there. In the right position your case would weaken because your basing your conclusion on how open space is used / created.

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if you think 2k logo looks narrower, it reflects my view, because i take the real logo, and i put it on 2k, it will be worst and at this moment, it would be clear that the size court is too short!!

Don't use the letter of the baseline. Of course it is smaller than the reality (i have ever seen that....) and it is too difficult to study.

I think the 3 pt line is not at 23.9 but maybe 23.5 or maybe less.
Of course it is impossible to mesure, it is a feeling, and yes, i'm not the only one, this small small small difference is choking a lot of people every year!!
And you haven't got the proof to tell me that it is 23.9!!

"The court size feels too small when compared to the players' proportions and their movement speed."

IMO it is too easy to say that movment speed is no good!
Remember 2k14, it was disgusting!
But From what i have seen 2k didn't change the size court in 2k17. This is why i'm still thinking it.
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