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Old 12-05-2016, 02:04 PM   #248
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Re: MLB The Show 17 Trailer, Retro Mode Details Revealed

Originally Posted by breakfastcat
Not making any assumptions about things not included in the trailer, but one of the things included in the trailer is the graphics. And they look pretty much the same as last year. To be honest, outside of the new legends and old Yankee Stadium, this trailer could have been made in MLB 16 and I wouldn't have noticed. As someone who feels like the gameplay is already 98% perfect, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed that we are going yet another year with out a big leap in graphics, especially in the player model department. I'm sure the rest of the game is great, but I was really hoping for better graphics this year. Unless there are big changes happening between now and release, I'm starting to feel like this game will only have 'decent' graphics for this entire generation instead of amazing graphics like previous generations.
Haven't played '16 in a while (hell, outside of recently diving back into Ratchet & Clank I haven't played any game in a while), but the crowd really seems to have gotten a boost in self-shadowing and such.

I noticed the animated jersey cloth immediately, though. Will it flap in the wind? Time will tell on that. Hopefully it's not as "light" as MLB 2K7, but considering it contorts with the body is a big plus for me.

Would I hope for more? Of course. You're right that from afar somebody might not be able to differentiate one from the other in screenshots alone, though that cloth did stand out to me in motion immediately. If this gets a big PS4 Pro boost for 1080p television owners and comes with a bundle though, it will be hard to resist the urge to jump on that too.

I think animations will be getting a big up this year, especially from certain stars. They seem to be getting in more strides and swing types.
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