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Old 12-07-2016, 09:04 PM   #366
Bacon is Better
Bullit's Arena
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Re: MLB The Show 17 Trailer, Retro Mode Details Revealed

Originally Posted by Lovesports
Bottom line, if they don't finally upgrade the player models and improve player graphics I am ready to stop playing this game. I'm just about ready to boycott this game like I did with madden back in 2014. We've had the same 3 player body types since the PS3...that's pathetic. The small changes will no longer justify a $60 purchase. If you can't make significant changes than don't release the game every year. I'm sure I'm in the minority here but I'm ok boycotting this game alone. They'll have to earn my money. I'm sorry for going off but I sense that the lack of competition is hurting this franchise.
This is just something I personally don't understand. I am not attacking your decision to stop buying/boycotting this game, its your choice. What I don't understand how player models mean that much that you would stop playing what I consider to be one of the better Baseball games ever made. Now we all know I am a Show "fanboy" and I defend them a bit more than I probably should. But I just don't see the player models being that big of a detriment to the game as whole. Obviously you feel this way and you have every right to your feelings and opinion, I just don't get it.
In Loving memory of my "Cricket" 1/2/96 - 11/19/2012

My heart and soul hurt for your lost presence in my life.
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