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Old 12-16-2016, 12:24 PM   #424
Sip_16's Arena
OVR: 1
Join Date: Feb 2013
Re: MLB The Show 17 Trailer, Retro Mode Details Revealed

Originally Posted by P.A.D.
Agree with everything said in the last few posts. They added this retro mode to compete with the RBI baseball fans and no other reason. At this point it seems they're somewhat ignoring the requests of their loyal fanbase and adding gimmicks to increase their demographic.

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I find it unfair to say they are ignoring their "loyal fanbase", you even somewhat contradict it when you say they are trying to increase their demographic. It is a business, they want to sell as many copies as possible.

I'd consider OS the hardcore fanbase of The Show and thats a very small percentage. They use the feedback here anyways.

I will not play the retro mode, but hey maybe some kids or whoever see the mode and love it and makes them first time owners or whatever.

Its frustrating to not get what you want, but to say they are ignoring is like i said unfair, it's their game they can take it in any direction they want, and no matter what people will complain or whine or say they are lazy etc etc etc its all been said over and over. Take the info they give us over the next 3 months see if the game is for you, either way make some constructive points that can be added to their list and hopefully get added at somepoint.

Entitlement around here is just out of hand sometimes
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