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Old 12-17-2016, 12:15 PM   #437
OVR: 27
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 15,677
Re: MLB The Show 17 Trailer, Retro Mode Details Revealed

Originally Posted by PsychoBulk
Hello folks.

Been away from here for some time for personal reasons and being worn out with the game somewhat.

Was hoping for something a little new, a little different etc this year...very disappointed with this trailer (be it one minute or not, some things never change).

A lot of you know me, i've been on here years, im not a moaner for moaning sake, im not here to bash the devs or anybody personally, but this game is in serious need of a facelift, a revamp, call it what you will, and I dont mean just tacking on an arcadey mode etc, you know what i mean.

Anemic is exactly the type of word i'd use to describe this franchise at the moment.

Anemic, stale, stagnant, faded - call it what you will.

I'm not judging '17 by this one video of course not, im more talking about the general way the series has gone the last few years. I truly believe you could play any of the games from 2013, '14 and '15 and '16 and be hard pressed to convince a naysayer they really were different games. Great games yes, but, like i said, stale, etc.

Ill keep my hopes up for something a little fresher as the information about '17 starts to come out but as i said previously, my enthusiasm for this games release used to be rampant yearly, now its merely more than a passing interest and that's a great shame.

Don't get me wrong, it will still be a superb game with many, many more pro's than con's but it simply cannot shake off this stale feeling, as far as im concerned.

I dont expect a different looking game every year, it would be stupid to do so, it's the same developer after all, but when so many things go largely untouched for year after year such as commentary, franchise, even the same signature music for like, ever, then you start to compare it to the strides made in other areas of sports gaming such as NBA 2K, FIFA, Madden etc then yes, then it starts to make you wonder why you keep coming back and why '16 feels like '15 feels like '14 feels like '13 etc.

I repeat, it will be a great game, but times change and its simply my opinion that SCEA doesnt move fast enough with them.

I used to pre-order this game months in advance, look forward to it like nothing else all year, take a whole week off work just to play it on release week...those days are long gone.

This is without doubt the first year ill almost certainly not be buying and i think its telling the posts mirroring my feelings seem to have garnered as many likes if not more generally than those saying otherwise - i think this worm has finally turned.

Dont ever take your loyal customers for granted in business - and i think SCEA is in danger of doing just that.

Shame indeed.
Now this is a great example of how to present constructive criticism without coming off as arrogant or entitled. Breath of fresh air.

Hopefully as new info is released, you do decide to get the game and enjoy it. A lot of people will miss your slider sets.

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