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Old 01-10-2017, 10:33 AM   #10
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Join Date: Nov 2015
Re: FIFA 17 Year-End Recap

Originally Posted by PPerfect_CJ
I don't think that they are. That's just all we hear about, because they cram it down our throats. Career Mode is a lot bigger deal than they'd have you believe. Glad some of you enjoy FUT. I do not. Never touched it. Never will. What we need and haven't received is a BALANCE.
I have to disagree I'm afraid.

I'm strictly a career mode only player. Always have been, always will be. Hate everything about FUT and what it represents in games (microtransactions etc).

That said, there's no denying it's the mode that the vast majority of FIFA players spend all their time on. I'd say easily a 70/30 split against career mode, possibly even higher. It's also the way EA make more money after people have already bought the game - us career mode players don't spend another penny on the game once we've taken it home, but FUT players will continue to buy packs or whatever right up until the next game is released.

It's a damn shame that this is the way it is now, but unfortunately there's little we can do about it while so many people continue to waste their money on FUT.
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