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Old 01-13-2017, 02:04 PM   #18
Designated Red Shirt
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Re: NBA 2K18 Coming to Nintendo Switch

Originally Posted by mercalnd
Yes but since 2K17 was released 2 weeks earlier than usual that means their new dev cycle started 2 weeks earlier as well. Therefore releasing 2K18 in mid-Spetember would still give them a full cycle.
Technically, yes. But 2K17 has had way more patches put out in a much shorter timeframe than 2K16, the launch had quite a few issues, and there are still problems with the game as we speak -- and we still don't know if we're getting another patch for 2K17 at all.

I just feel the current cycle for the devs is too short, especially considering how much time they've spent addressing the various issues with 2K17 -- realistically, how much time do they have to insert new features or fix legacy issues?

I'm not confident 2K18 will be better at launch than 2K17 and I, as a consumer, would have liked it better if 2K had released 2K18 in late September/early October to account for the extended time the devs have had to spend on 2K17.

Whatever the case, I'm happy it's coming to the Switch -- I just can't say what condition that game will be in. My faith in 2K has been shaken after the experience we've all had with 2K17.
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