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Old 01-24-2017, 08:06 PM   #8
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Re: Create a team in 17

Originally Posted by Dannyray64
I have been patiently waiting for a relocation/expansion mode for this game, especially with the solid logo and uniform editor that now exists. Really hoping it happens this year!

In terms of a stadium creator, I would be fine with just getting to pick from a few generic/minor league/historic stadiums. Being able to create a truly unique franchise and developing a history for it is super appealing to me, and I think to others as well!
I'd settle for create-a-team for now but if they could also do relocation/expansion that would be okay. One possible conflict could be the player morale which now includes hometown and location of the team. Relocating a team would require reprogramming of that so if they aren't prepared to go quite that far just yet I'd settle for creating my own uniforms and team name to replace an existing team using what is currently available in the diamond dynasty mode.
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