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Old 01-31-2017, 02:05 AM   #19
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Re: Press Row Podcast - MLB The Show 17 Has Reported

Originally Posted by tessl
I doubt anybody would be opposed to something like that but I'm not sure how easy it is to program it given face scan technology which is used. It might be easier to program physical reactions than facial expressions. You are correct it would add variety.

I don't know if you remember a pitcher named Gaylord Perry. He would put his hands on his hips and stare at a fielder who made an error behind him. It was kind of amusing to watch but I doubt his teammates felt that way. Examples like that are few and far between and Gaylord got away with it because of his HOF ability.
I know it's true of fifa, they individually scan a number of player specific facial expressions to go with the face scan. i wouldn't prioritize that kind of thing for my mechanism either.

Signature persona quirks like the way you described Gaylord Perry would be welcome but can't think of a player today that would make the cut for that even though stuff like that is cool. I separate my player demeanor topic from the signature or generic animations / celebrations topic though. I think it stems from older games like The Sims where certain calculations would fixate a mood upon the character throughout the game. That's kind of how I see franchise mode too.
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