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Old 02-08-2017, 03:16 AM   #172
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Re: MLB The Show 17 Video - Gameplay Improvements & Animations Expansion

Originally Posted by WaitTilNextYear
For people unenthused by the graphics in this trailer, keep in mind that the graphical deep dive isn't for another month and a half (3/23) where things like "grass tech" is on the schedule. A quality update to the grass rendering would be a game changer, imo.

It's a good idea to keep [respectfully] submitting feedback (i.e. the scorebug thing that they're working on) in the meantime because the devs are relying on our eyes and ears, but there's really no need to pull out the disappointment card just yet. I'm almost certain that the shading, colors, lighting etc is nowhere near what the final product will be.

That said, it looks like we're riding with essentially the same build of player models for '17 unless SDS is totally reserving a massive surprise for later. No chance they have enough time to build new models and sync them with new animations in the dev time remaining, but updates to uniforms, some more variety in body types, and maybe some uniform wrinking/texturing seems like a reasonable expectation to hope for on the player model front.

I think I am basically done with getting the show in till we get better player models. The game for the last like 2-3 years has basically played a perfect game of baseball were its graphics on the other hand are really lacking and mostly still look like a ps3 game.
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