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Old 02-15-2017, 04:36 AM   #131
OVR: 7
Join Date: Jun 2003
Re: Madden NFL 17 Patch 1.10 Available Now, Patch Notes Included

Originally Posted by bcruise
It's in the patch notes....

And as for not seeing it....who's your QB? The ratings really do matter. At QB Acc 50 Philip Rivers still barely ever missed, but at the same setting Goff was all over the place (he ended up with 7 balls thrown out of his recievers' reach in that game).

Now that I'm back from work I plan on trying some lower accuracy settings than default and see what happens. I'd like to be able to get even the elites to make a poor throw once in a while.
It's all up in the air for me. I just played as CLE vs. MIA (CPU) and McCown was 17-18 in the first half and I was up 17-0 in the first half. This is at All-Pro default. I never had an issue with CPU QB because they had errant throws previous but the Human QB has always been accurate and still is right now.

I also don;t like the fact that I'm dominating All-Pro level and this is the level that is supposed to represent the player ratings accurately.

I still feel like Coaching Schemes afect AI playcalling but I need to further investigate
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