Agreed. I wonder sometimes if SCEA are forced by the license to push certain things in order to sell merch? It may be a stretch, but surely they have to know this wasn't going to go over well with their diehard fanbase, especially considering player models & uniform slots have been two of the biggest complaints for years.
And uniform slots seem to be an even easier fix for them, than the player models, and they went after player models.
Head scratcher for sure. Hopefully there's more to it, and I give them credit, they've made leaps & bounds this year in the player models and credit to them. Last year they made leaps & bounds in the stadiums.
But barring any unforseen changes, we've probably got less than a month before code freeze, this s**t has GOT to be changed in 18 and in the future. As a long timer since MLB 06, it's something I can no longer deal with going into the future after 17.
Sorry to all those RTTS players, but i'd much rather have more MAJOR LEAGUE uniforms in the game, than randon who gives a damn minor league jerseys taking up precious disk space, as well as these non-real life-usable BP jerseys just taking up space, as well as the other older blank jerseys, just taking up space.
If there's something about the style guide I don't get, then I apologize in advance, but from my point of view, with the one and only template, I do not get why they are bound by SCREWING UP the look of the BP jersey to get it in the game, but to get the damn thing right would be a violation of the rules.
This imo has nothing to do with MLB nor SCEA. This has to do with someone in Sony's legal/business department that doesn't understand the logistics and verbage of the license, and that dog has gotten kicked all the way down to the fans.
No way 30 MLB teams can't get their style guide right, yet every year make millions in Merchandise with the same style guide and guess what... they get it .... right.