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Old 02-21-2017, 07:52 PM   #4
OVR: 10
Join Date: Sep 2008
Blog Entries: 2
Re: VC Ads in Offline modes?

should not be anywhere. I'm cool with it being on the main page as a pop up, because that makes sense, but once you start a game, I don't wanna see any pop ups or VC SALE plastered over parts of the game.

Next they are gonna have justice w/ a big gold chain that says "VC."

It makes me wonder if they aren't selling VC as much as they thought anymore... or are they just pushing it anyway?

Edit: the reason ads suck is because they break immersion. The point of an ad is to steal your attention away from what you are doing, to catch your eye, so if you want people enjoying your game, you can't be pushing things like that once people get into something. It's like watching a movie on a channel that has ads, one of the worst experiences. The shameless part is wack, but just even having the idea of VC put in my head while I'm trying to have fun is bothersome.

Respect the minds of your gamers, let them play your game. If they like it *then* that should lead them to buying VC. It shouldn't be beat them into submission. I bought 20 bucks of VC a couple times, but not this year...


Last edited by ILLSmak; 02-21-2017 at 07:55 PM.
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