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Old 02-25-2017, 07:16 PM   #261
(aka Alberto)
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Re: EA Sports UFC 3 Confirmed

Originally Posted by Haz____
Just gonna throw this out there..

UD3 had draws.

And tons and tons of other things EA UFC doesn't have. And it came out 5 years ago... Why was that team able to achieve having all these features in their game, but EA UFC can't? 5 years later, on a waaaay more powerful machine?
Draws have nothing to do with a way more powerful machine. It has to do with priorities.

UD3 was the third version of a series that was developed for 5 years. Assuming UFC 3 releases this year it will be the third version of a series that was developed for 4 years.

It has a ton of things that I wish was in the UFC 2 (and potentially UFC 3). It also has modes and features that werent in UFC 3. It had Pride Mode which I loved.

It doesnt have anything close to Ultimate Team. It doesnt have online events. It will likely not have 1 or 2 modes that you havent even heard about yet. I already know of some small features that are new to any MMA game. So while its understandable to compare the next game to UD3, you should understand it goes both ways.

I want draws in the game. I do. I'm holding out hope that the devs will get around to adding them. But I understand why they havent been added and I'm not going to lose sleep over a feature that has happened in less than 1% of all UFC fights.
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