03-09-2017, 07:38 PM
Re: MLB The Show 17 Twitch Stream is LIVE - Franchise Mode
Not much of a Deep Dive. Same stuff as the Franchise Mode Tour videos posted the past 2 days.
Quirks are cool, Top Prospects list is nice (wish it also showed season stats)
No mention of Inter-League Schedules Rotating.
No mention on how Critical Moments work in 30-team Franchise.
Weekly Cash Flow is nice but does it really change that much during a season? Unless you make trades/play well it will be the same each week.
No mention of Improved Free Agency/Scouting/Drafting/Progression, Editing Coaches.
As mentioned by a lot of us, they are really catering to Casual/New players which is understandable don't get me wrong. Just wish they also took some time and considered the experienced and die hard Franchise players.
I'd be very surprised if the mode doesn't get a lot of love next year.