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Old 03-14-2017, 05:26 PM   #374
Go Cubs Go
WaitTilNextYear's Arena
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Re: MLB The Show 17 Twitch Stream - Franchise Mode, HDR Confirmed (Archive Available)

Originally Posted by Arty23
I love playing the actual games, but I have played in franchise mode exclusively as its always been the only mode that appealed to me. My point in making the post is that franchise hasn't made any meaningful steps to incorporate international players (Asian or Latin America), provide more realistic contract options (multiple option years, extensions, front load/back load, Can't trade an arb player unless they have a contract), the coaches section is laughably bad (No minor league coaches, almost half of the ones in the game are fake and each staff only contains half the real life coaches), and other things that are off like non-roster invitees, Super 2's, minor league players with service time and stats, etc.. I realize many of those features would be lost on a typical player and I understand that. If I played DD or RttS I'd probably still play buy the game. Its just the lack of any meaningful improvement to the realism of GM-type features doesn't make me feel like buying the game this year.
I co-sign every part of this post except the not buying the game part. Even with none of the additional franchise depth wanted (when do we get our "foundation year"?), this new version is still loaded with improvements. I can see myself watching the flight of the ball for about 5-10 games just to behold round-on-round ball physics. And the HDR + better player faces could make it appear like an enitirely new game.

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