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Old 03-30-2017, 03:22 PM   #48
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roadman's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 18 on the Frostbite Engine: Reactions

Originally Posted by Brooke2011
EA was already preparing for frostbite prior to the 17 release. With that being said ,I can almost guarantee a drop in gameplay . Graphically it will have to show improvements because that is what the consumer will see to validate any progression from the prior year. I don't expect a huge leap graphically but I think EA will use this as a buffer to mask the shortcomings of a new engine on a less than perfect Ignite engine of years past.

I'm optimistic of the future especially for this year, but EA will use the transition as an excuse to downplay any flaws. I'm sure we'll here the excuse of how " we wanted to add this, but due to the complexity of the new engine and time constriction we just couldn't do it".

Maybe I'm wrong , but madden has been taking baby steps since 2000 in their progression and this year will be no different.
I'm going to disagree with this too.

I think you are hedging your answer based on the past, going from xbox to the 360 etc......

I doubt we will be looking at a bare bones 18.

We will all find out soon enough and I agree with Shiz, this game has grown well over the past few years.

Last edited by roadman; 03-30-2017 at 04:02 PM.
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