04-03-2017, 06:31 PM
Most realistic hitting mode
I'm sure this has been discussed in multiple threads over the years. But I seem to be having difficulty settling on a hitting type for the game. I like zone and feel it's more reflective of real life hitting. At the same time, I also like directional. I think in some instances it replicates true to life hitting as well. The problem I am having is I use analog with stride which makes zone hitting very difficult. With directional, I also use analog w/stride but is more forgiving. So my dilemma is even though I think zone analog is most realistic, it's just too damn hard to play franchise games with. I even use practice mode before every game and I still struggle. That leaves me with directional with analog. I hit better, but still not great. I'm leaning towards using directional full time because it's a bit easier and also is realistic in terms of situational hitting. Just curious as to what the concensus is for most hitting accurate representation among players of the Show.
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