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Old 04-08-2017, 12:28 PM   #224
s_mkheidze's Arena
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Join Date: Nov 2013
Re: Gamechangers Nhl17 event #1 (very early impressions by djneo)

Originally Posted by DJ NEO
Good and now tell me.

If you knew that basically everything you​ just named, everything this community wanted forever was thrown out of the window or "deprioritized" not as an exchange for some other meaningful feature, but for something that is exactly opposite that sim community keeps asking for year after year.

Something that I personally think is almost disrespectful for the game of hockey and will change the series forever. Suck the resources from the series and take​ time from development.

With all that knowledge, what would you do in my shoes?


I am with you...I may not be as hardcore as you, but I am with you. It is pretty obvious to me what their focus is....all one has to do is look at the last 5-6 years. If anyone actually believes that they are putting countless hours into making the hockey game that we want...well compare this game with MLB the show.......yeah, no.

I think it is good that you left as they were not all that interested in the direction that you wanted the game to go. It's what I would have done.
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