I'll just say you are 100% correct. As a former community guy though whenever I have the choice of spend more time developing a feature and adding more to it or take that same time and work on a teaching feature it is hard to pull the trigger because as a gamer i want the depth of the feature set first. I figure we have enough hoop genius' in the community to teach it and learn it.
The reality is that every moment spent on instructional tools is a moment less available on adding depth and polish to an actual game-play feature. And some of this stuff takes forever just to do something relatively small in scope.
Plus, and this is a big one. Any teaching feature needs front end support IE menu's and such and that line is ALWAYS backed up and game-play team requests for front end are at the way back of the line. So it is difficult to get the resources lined up in addition to what I said above.
But I hear you and I agree in principal it's just when the going gets tuff I often choose put more cool stuff in the game because at the end of the day I'm a gamer.