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Old 04-15-2017, 12:03 AM   #5
ChaseB's Arena
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Re: Severe Server Issues Still Impacting MLB The Show 17

Originally Posted by majesty95
I played a Play vs CPU game trying to complete conquest. Needed two AS home runs. Griffey hit 4 including a grand slam. Got a server error as soon as the game got to the achievements screen. I've been fairly forgiving for the most part but it's getting worse, not better. It's inexcusable at this point. They are wasting people's time and it's not ok. They're losing a lot of good will. Had I not bought the digital version I would be tempted to trade it in. I'm seriously wondering if I'll want to give them a shot on release next year. This isn't a good look for them but they can't seem to get out of their own way and make meaningful changes to fully rectify the issues. It seems like they just keep trying to use band-aids to patch leaks in the boat.
It's certainly the worst roll out for the series in an online sense in probably four years. This feels more like the olddddddd issues Sony used to have with this series online where for most of like the PS3 generation you had no idea if the title would even work online. Like, there have been sporadic problems in the past 2-3 years, but nothing this wide-ranging or that lasted this long. They had really made great stride online until this season, at least to me. Diamond Dynasty became my favorite mode in the game 2 years ago because they did iron out those issues on the whole. This year I've played like a total of 3 head-to-head online games because I'm terrified of results counting and everything else.
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