Thread: SP Streaks
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Old 05-03-2017, 11:38 AM   #1
videobastard's Arena
OVR: 14
Join Date: Aug 2004
SP Streaks

The largest streak in a row for me with the same starting pitcher selected has been 5. I have two missions that i was trying to complete with 2 of the 5 SP in my rotation but they were not being selected lol

I have seen two 4 streaks in a row with a SP in a row and i have seen a lot of 3 in a row streaks of a SP selected in a row. The trolling in this game is second to none.

So what i did was remove the SP that was selected 5 times in a row which was my 4th SP in the rotation. I made it so verlander was my 4th pitcher in the rotation and the very next game verlander started lol I was able to complete his spotlight mission finally.

I was tempted to not make any changes to see if they were going to select the same SP for 6 games straight but decided to switch things up. I still have another pitcher in my rotation that has a mission attached to him so hopefully i can get his mission completed in a shorter time then it took to finish the verlander one.
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