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Old 05-05-2017, 02:03 PM   #8
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Join Date: Jan 2012
Re: Zone with the PCI off?

Originally Posted by SolidSnake07
Why do some of you do this. Are you like me and keep the PCI in the middle so there isn't any reason to see it or do you move it but like the added challenge of not being able to see it?

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I dont think it is a challenge it is an aid I have found. I read somewhere last year where some people have tried this and it improved their hitting slightly. Like others have said it clears the screen a bit and you can still see the feed back after your swing. Because honestly none of us have time to line up the pci with the ball as it is coming. So you will essentially find yourself swinging the exact same way with it on or off but you will now have a clearer view. It is worth a shot.
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