MLB The Show 17 Patch 1.06 Available Now, Patch Notes Included
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05-09-2017, 11:56 PM
OVR: 6
Join Date: Jan 2005
Re: MLB The Show 17 Patch 1.06 Available Now, Patch Notes Included
Originally Posted by
The Chef
I wish I was having the same results. I've thrown 18 wild pitches in my last 9 games which is higher then it was before they "fixed" it. I've thrown wild pitches on fastballs even, I mean it's gotten to the point that if a runner is on I get paranoid to throw anything thats not high in the zone for fear it will somehow find its way into the dirt. As you know I'm using your sliders which has the user pitch sliders lowered so I'm sure that's part of it, I can't count the amount of times I've seen a slider down and away end up through the opposite batters box and all the way to the backstop.
As for throwing runners out who try and advance, I've never once thrown anyone out trying to take second but I have thrown out a couple that were trying to advance to third off of a wild pitch.
Getting same results as A&S.
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