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Old 05-10-2017, 11:43 AM   #126
xNeurosiis's Arena
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Join Date: Mar 2014
MLB The Show 17 Patch 1.06 Available Now, Patch Notes Included

Originally Posted by SaundCo87
Because there are still a lot of server issues and online issues. It gets old real quick and frustrating when guys are complaining about colors not being right while others can't even get through a full game due to connection issues or freezing.

And that's one of the issues to keep focusing on. There's multiple things that can be worked/focused on. I personally don't play online, so it's of no consequence to me, but I wouldn't want it to be ignored regardless, so I don't see why we can't have this discussion about uniforms. Not everyone has the same gripes with the game.

Edit: Furthermore, just because we're discussing one issue, doesn't mean others will be pushed to the side. SDS knows the online is subpar, and they've been doing all they can to fix it, or at least it seems. We can discuss what needs to be fixed with the game wholly, without people getting pissy that some of us have gripes that others don't, and vice-versa.

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Last edited by xNeurosiis; 05-10-2017 at 12:11 PM.
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