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Old 05-11-2017, 05:13 PM   #3
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Cycloniac's Arena
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Re: Cycloniac's TrueSim MLB 17 Sliders

Originally Posted by Baseball4ever39
I've been looking for a good set aimed at being used for quick counts. I see you have baserunner speed bumped up and solid hits up and power down stood out too. What were your goals for this set what were you trying to achieve?
Out of the gate, I noticed that a lot of people were complaining about the distribution between singles, XBHs and HRs. So, I tried to think about the difference between what power affects and what solid hits afects.

Power as in the distance the ball travels, and solid hits as affecting the balance between line drives and ground balls/fly balls.

What I noticed was that with power lowered and solid hits raised, hit variety was better and HRs were at a realistic clip.

I raised baserunner speed firstly to showcase SB threats -- I didn't find the AI was aggressive enough in stolen base situations.

My main focus of the set was replicating MLB averages in:
-Stolen Bases
-Batting Average

I also worked on increasing swing and miss percentages, kept an eye on strike percentages and decreased foul ball percentages.

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