MLB The Show 17 Patch 1.07 Available Now, Patch Notes Included
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05-22-2017, 02:54 PM
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Re: MLB The Show 17 Patch 1.07 Available Now, Patch Notes Included
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Did they fix the issue with the batter & pitchers poly count/lighting tone degrading as soon as the pitcher starts his throwing motion? This is the only issue preventing me from playing this game as it is an immersion killer for me. I've been told that they purposely designed the game like this (which sucks if true), but I've also been told it is a bug that they were able to patch & fix in previous versions. I get the whole thing about them doing it to maintain frame rate (which I'm all for smooth fps), however if this was purposely put in the game, the bigger concern is why are we still having to deal with sacrifices for frame rate with the power the PS4 Pro? I get it for the vanilla PS4 but this should not be happening on PS4 Pro.
I know this may not be a big deal for some & that's fine, but for me it's a distraction that I find myself noticing even when I'm trying not to. I really hope this was fixed so I can enjoy the game.
I can still see the lighting/texture quality change - and I'm still glad that it does that for the framerate reasons you mentioned. I get that it's more jarring in some stadiums than others, though.
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