I do use the left stick pretty well and went my first two games without throwing an INT, then all of a sudden i get the auto scripted INTs. I think it may have to do with under pressure/waiting too long on a route. Happens a lot on short crossing routes where i wait for the WR to clear the MLB and pass...to which it goes no where near him and sails to the safety 20 yards away from the play for an easy INT. The sad part is im still having a lot of close intense games, and the auto INTs seem to be keeping the game close. It just annoys me to see a playoff team in the mix with a QB who has 10-20 TDs and 20-30 INTs a season but is still leading the team to the playoffs. Gonna test it with QB acc 7-10 because if i make it too high it takes away from the intensity of the black sliders.