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Old 05-26-2017, 02:28 AM   #137
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Re: NBA Live 18 Videos Released

Originally Posted by Gosens6
This isn't about the "other" game. It seems like only NBA live fans bring up the "other" game when it comes to trying to defend some of Lives shortcomings.

This isn't about Live trying to be 2K. This is about Live delivering a solid basketball title to the masses. Forget 2K. Carve your own niche, be innovative, do something great.

Let's not use 2K as a scapegoat every time someone criticizes something in Live. Honestly, we are ALL NBA live fans, or we wouldn't be in this forum.

I remember first playing Live 95 on the NES and instantly falling in love with the franchise. It had many many many many solid years, with Live 10 being it's peak IMO. There are reasons they can't go back to the formula they used in Live 10, but you're not going to tell me the guys making this game are incapable of putting out another classic basketball title. (Maybe they're not, but I don't want to push that speculation)

Live 16 was a solid foundation, it just had way too many fundamental basketball issues for it to be a great game, sans the animation issues. I want Live to succeed, as does everyone in this thread. Let's not make it a 2K vs Live thing because that's the ultimate cop out.

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Totally disagree.
You entered in a market to sold copies and your rival is Nba2K, no other one. You have to take 2K like a point to overcome and you have to make better than 2K. If you'are not able to do this, you're out of the market.
It's not a question of fun or historical Nba Live fan. I was an Nba Live fan and now i'm a 2K fan. Nba Live have lost me. Why? Simple, 2K is better.
The only way i can return to be a Nba Live fan is only one: they have to do a better game than Nba2K.
So simple.
And i'ts clear EA is still not able to do this. Nba Live 18 it's better than Nba Live 16? Certainly. 16? Wake up, we are goin' in 2018! Nba Live 18 needs to be better than Nba 2K18, not than Nba Live 16!
"For the strength of the pack is the wolf and the strength of the wolf is the pack" Rudyard Kipling

Last edited by Barbatrucco; 05-26-2017 at 02:32 AM.
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